What’s In Store For Social Media in 2021?

What’s In Store For Social Media in 2021?

Social Media Trends for 2021

It’s no secret, 2020 changed the way people and businesses use social media. In fact, since the coronavirus pandemic, social media is arguably the most instrumental channel for businesses. 

So, what’s in store for 2021 and how will we use social networks? 

We researched social media trends for 2021 and here’s what you need to know.

Maximize the Benefits

As social media takes center stage in a post-pandemic marketing world, it needs to integrate seamlessly with your broader marketing strategy in order to maximize the benefits. In a social media world, businesses must be willing to re-evaluate their social media strategies at the drop of a hat to minimize risk and maximize the opportunity to connect with consumers.

So, how can you build upon this growing trend to better plan your social media marketing strategies for a post-pandemic future?

In 2021, social ads, social experiences, and platform selection will be key to driving Return on Investment (ROI) from new customers. 

  • Social Ads

Social ads are a quick way to reach the audience you want. With social ads, you can target brand new customers or returning ones. However, it’s important to understand which social networks perform well organically for your brand. The targeting and reporting that comes with social ads ensure you deliver relevant content to the right people on social media. 

The Pew Research Center recently outlined a snapshot of the preferred platform of different demographics. We encourage you to take a look at the data, as it could greatly help you in your advertising strategy. 

  • Social Experiences

Social experiences help build relationships and brand loyalty. According to the Harvard Business Review, in the Special Edition of The CMO Survey, consumers indicated that a “trusting relationship” is most important to them in a brand (beating out low price, product quality, and even innovation). 

Smart businesses will understand that being transparent, authentic, and even vulnerable is smart marketing in 2021. As we’ve mentioned before in our previous blog, people connect with people. This means you should personify your brand in a way that reveals who and what you stand for so that it is clear to your followers.

Get more faces out there, create more video, and talk about what is important to your brand.

  • Platform Selection

It is important to consider how the platform you choose impacts consumers’ perception of your brand. It is equally important to consider marketing budgets and how that will impact your social platform effectiveness.

With trimmed marketing budgets in 2021, the most effective social platforms will likely be Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and even Pinterest.

Social media trends for 2021 will have a massive impact on users and brands alike. If you haven’t adapted to these new trends, it’s time you think about doing so to leverage your brand on social media.

If you need help keeping up with the social media trends during 2021, give us a shout.