To be successful on social media it takes hard work and consistency. With so much content out there, it can be a challenge to stand out above the others. While a social media strategy is one way to rock your efforts, there are other tactics you can implement that will gain you engaged followers and help you publish content that gets your business noticed.

1. Post More Images

Hands down, photos get the most engagement on social media. Next time you post, try to include an image. Need help with images? Canva is an awesome tool that lets you create images that work on most major social media channels.

2. Use a Social Media Scheduler

Consistency is key if you want to grow your social media followers. By using a social media scheduler, you can plan and schedule posts and then forget about them. Hootsuite is a free tool that allows you to schedule posts across multiple networks. Loomly is what we use for our clients, and we absolutely love it. So do our clients!

3. Track Your Efforts

It’s so important to track your social media activities. You need to understand what is working and where you can improve. Hootsuite offers free basic analytics and each social media network also provides analytics. You should measure your efforts on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis.

4. Mix Up Content

Keep your followers engaged by mixing up the content you share. Post text, images, video and links.

5. Tell a Story

There’s no better way to connect customers with your brand than to tell a story. If you are selling a product, don’t just sell it. Share a story and show people why they need your product. Check out this video from Kleenex. The company doesn’t try to sell you anything, but you’ll surely be reaching for a Kleenex after watching it.

6. Encourage Conversations

Don’t just share content that promotes your business; share content that encourages conversations. This will not only help with keeping your followers engaged, it will also help in creating communities around your brand.

7. Interact with Others

Don’t be that company that just pushes out content. Make sure you interact with your followers and other influencers on social media. Reply to all comments, post comments on other posts and take part in online conversations.

8. Be Authentic

Social media is so popular because it’s real. Real conversations take place online and people share personal details about their lives. Even if you’re a company that sells paper towels, you still have the opportunity to be authentic and genuine. Give people a reason to want to connect with your brand; being fake or too pushy won’t help.

9. Incorporate Hashtags

With organic reach on the decline, getting your content in front of people requires a strategic approach. One of the ways that gives your content a better chance of showing up in search results is by incorporating relevant hashtags in your social posts. Try adding them to your Tweets and Instagram posts.

10. Use Keywords in Your Posts

Social networks have search features that operate just like search engines. When someone searches something on a social media network, they type in certain keywords. Using relevant keywords in your posts will increase your chance of your posts being found by people searching for certain topics in your industry.

Remember, growth takes time and consistency; however, by incorporating these strategies in your social media efforts, you should start seeing results.

Do you have any tips that are working for you? If so, please share in the comments.